Dr. Sally Rockwell, Ph. D.

Clinical Nutritionist

After years of hearing, “It’s all in your mind” — a simple Dietary Change changed my life. Now I’m helping others get well too.

“For 25 years I went from doctor to doctor asking ‘what’s wrong with me?’ … I was subjected to needless drugs and surgeries, — addicted to socially acceptable drugs: coffee, cigarettes, alcohol, diet pills, valium, laxatives and diuretics. The doctors said, “Your tests results are within normal bounds. It’s all in your mind.”

“No one understood how I felt or knew how to help me. Finally a wise psychiatrist changed my diet, I got off the drugs, and turned my life around. My brain began to function. I entered college and earned a B. S. degree in nutrition and then a doctorate in clinical nutrition. Now I am healthy, happy, vibrant and productive.

“My past experiences have made me aware of the importance of good eating habits. That’s why I continually create easy, do-it-yourself resources so that you can get well too.”

Dr. Sally’s Affiliations

  • American Academy of Environmental Medicine
  • American Academy of Otolaryngic Allergy
  • American Holistic Medical Association
  • Center for Science in the Public Interest
  • Pan American Allergy Society
  • Physicians for Social Responsibility
  • Society for Nutrition Education
  • Washington State Food and Nutrition Council
  • Women Business Owners


  • Who’s Who of American Women
  • Who’s Who in the West


  • BS, Nutritional Science, University of Washington
  • PhD, Clinical Nutrition, The Union Institute